Our photos : the most talented photographer

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We live in a digital age and while having your wedding and engagement photos on a disc may be important to some people, it’s good to remember electronic media formats are constantly changing. That’s why we are sharing this.

Good photography is more than a fancy camera.  Everyone’s road into photography usually starts at the same point, whether you go into further education or you’re just a hobbyist. You usually buy yourself a DSLR and go out and shoot as much as you can and shoot the things that make your heart sing.  I once heard from a photographer to really cherish that time, having the opportunity to create awesome photographs with absolutely no brief or pressures is something that, overtime, will become less and less.

Our talented and gifted picture guy

Jon Mark and his wife have been longtime friends with our relatives.  His wife and Sarita’s cousin were both vocalists performing with a local group, and the two of them go way back like Louis Armstrong is to jazz.  We watched Jon Mark do his thing and the way he interacts with people; its incredible.

Those unique parts of ourselves – a name, a voice, a smirk – that’s what draws people in, what endears us to our loved ones. These details are what breathe life into a photo. It’s your sister’s scrunched nose when she cries, your best friend’s belly laugh, your dad’s soft side peeking through when he talks about his kids . These are the moments I love to capture: This is life well lived; unguarded and real. – Jon Mark

We got lucky.  Stars aligned and opportunity sort of fell into our laps.  Our friend, Jon Mark, did us a real great favour.  He is such a champ, guiding us throughout this journey and now we get to go out on an adventure with him.  Meeting new people and making new friends brings a smile to anyone and everyone, always try and build up a friendship with each and every person we meet.

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IG: https://www.instagram.com/jonmarkphoto/