Tips: Bali wedding dress code and island style

wedding trip bali canggu bali gila baligila travel

We want our guests to be themselves without the hassle of dressing up extravagantly.  The wedding is on the beach front after all.

Weather is said to maintain an average of 30° Celsius and lows of 23° Celsius.  In other words, it will be very hot on the island.  See for yourself! We will be providing our guests with primitive (but pretty) hand fans during the wedding ceremony.  There will also be areas of shade for those who do not enjoy being in the sun for too long.


So what is the dress code?

Dress and act modestly.

Don’t ‘look like a tourist’ – There are 2 types of westerners here, tourists and expats. Its better to look like an expat, as it gives the impression you know your way around.

Keep your camera packed away until you want to use it; don’t wear valuable jewelry; enter a shop before consulting a map; and don’t open your purse or bag on the street. I try not to walk away from an ATM counting my money, or come out of a shop before I’ve put my wallet away.





Women / Femme


What to wear when visiting Balinese landmarks and temples

As “Western” and modern as much of Bali presents itself, the native culture of Bali provides a firm and tangible bedrock on which Balinese behavior and relationships are built.

So if you’re going to visit Bali with a mind to visiting the island’s temples and meeting the local people, you’ll need to mind your manners to stay on good terms with the locals. Follow these tips to maintain smooth interpersonal relationships in Bali, wherever you go in the island.

Balinese locals are far more conservative than most Westerners; they frown on public displays of affection. So when in or near Balinese temples or rural settlements, keep the touchy-feely stuff to a minimum.

The same goes with clothing: dress as modestly as possible, especially when visiting temples. When paying a visit to a Balinese temple, both men and women are expected to wear shirts that cover shoulders and part of the upper arms. Flip-flops are perfectly acceptable, so long as the overall look is modest.

wedding trip bali canggu bali gila baligila travel surf